Friday, May 30, 2008

A Day with the Girl

Today I took Sydney out for some QT - we need to work on our relationship. As always, the morning started out with her favorite place to eat... Good Egg! Excellent, yet again. Then we had to swing by the hospital and visit a very good friend of mine who had surgery on Wednesday to remove a 4cm cancerous tumor from her stomach. She loved seeing Sydney and Sydney was happy to see Cathy. They are buddies. After that quick trip - off to my favorite place to blow $$$ - Target! Got her a few things, Rick some Father's Day stuff & lots of baby basics. Then to our final destination. Paint Yourself Silly. This is a wonderful place. We've been there before but it was when Heather was out for my graduation from nursing school. It's in a new location & even better than before. She was really excited about it. It was a surprise... she only knew that we were going somewhere to make something with colors. As you can see, she picked out a sunflower and another little flower to paint. She tried her best, made a mess, but had a blast! The pieces should be done in 7-10 days. I'll post pics of the "finished" product.

1 comment:

Linda said...

was really glad to see you and Sydney had girl time-looks like she was having a great time painting.