Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Good Book

As you all know, Sydney is doing the summer reading program at the library. While we were getting more books (see her blog), we came across this book "The Right Touch". Rick was very apprehensive to "go down that path" just yet, but since she's starting school in a few weeks, I thought it wouldn't hurt to at least expose her to the subject. When I got home from work tonight he was anxious to tell me about this book. "It's a really good book". He thought that it was very well written and explain the subject extremely well and in a very kid-friendly manner. If you have small kids or even young kids (Hannah, Taylor, etc), this is good book to read with them, if you haven't already had the discussion. Like Rick said, it's unfortunate that we need to have these conversations with our kids, but its an important one. We have to keep our kids safe...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad you found that. We were just talking last week about having the "touching" conversation with Bella and Brandon but weren't exactly sure how to go about it. We'll be looking for this book this week.