Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Poop, Poop & More Poop

After a horrible night battling this cold I'm getting (no sleep from 12:20-3:30ish), Ryan woke up 12:20 & 4:30 for his bottle. Luckily, he went back to sleep until around 6. After I finally drug myself out of the bed in his room, I brought him into the living room and put him on his mat. Grunt, grunt... he was pooping! I started my hot chocolate, went peed and came back to change him. He was laying down now, half onto the carpet. Oh shit.... we had ourselves a blowout unlike anything I've seen. It was in a 6+ inch circle on the mat, all over the back of his shirt, inside his pants, on his arms, back, and very little butt! It had the worst smell ever! It shot right out the back of his diaper and he smashed it all over the place. Rick walked in, looked at what I was dealing with for a little - "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Go start the tub, he'll need a bath." I just let him lay on the floor naked after all that. Got all the nasty clothes & mat into the washing machine for the first of 2 cycles. Rick gave him a very quick bath and got him dressed. This was a great way to start a day... HA!

1 comment:

Amy Anderson said...

Nasty! Makes you really miss the early days of mustard poop, doesn't it?