Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Little Creeper

Ryan has begun creeping! He's starting to really get the hand/knee coordination down. The little guy has begun cruising around the living room - getting stuck under furniture & bonking his head on things, none of which seems to really bother him. He'll occasionally cry out if we don't move him shortly after he's gotten stuck, but nothing more than that! He's also developed a great fondness for the remote and any type of paper or book. So we've stolen one of our old remotes that Sydney plays with for him and have pulled out some soft books for him to mess with. Wonder what's going to be next???


Shelley said...

Hooray for Ryan for his accomplishments. He's going to be speed lightening very soon. Of course, as quickly as he does things, it may even be today.

Andria said...

How sweet! I just followed you over here from Amy's blog... Blake has started scooting and getting in the "Mowgli" position. Our boys are growing up too fast!