Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fear him.... yes, we should!

My thanks to Nancee for her post this morning. "We the People" need to be very cautious during these insanely chaotic times in our nation's history. Devious things are happening and what makes me cringe, is that there are some people out there that agree with the madness. This has the making of an incomprehensible travesty. And to think, it began because of an action by majority of our fellow citizens. SCARY... thanks for that vote & beginning the downfall our our great nation.


Earl and Deb said...

Makes a person think, huh? We were wondering if we were the only ones that weren't impressed with the "cheerleader". Too scary!!

Anonymous said...

I know you may not agree or support what is going on today. But I am sorry to let you know that our country was in trouble way before before this. I don't think our current president is too blame. If you weren't scared before you shouldn't be scared now.

Holly said...

Anonymous...come out, come out, whoever you are!!!

I will never support an administration, Republican or Democrat that attempts to control my life. An attempt to control all aspects of my life - house, car, health care, paycheck, etc. Yes, our country has been going downhill for some time, but I shutter to think what this current administration will attempt to pull off. The fact that this "Stimulus Package" was developed and then passed is does regrassing the National Mall constitute an ECONOMIC stimulus? How does creating a Frisbee park in Austin fall under that? Why is it that our government wants to shred the most basic and clearly written document that founded the principles of this great nation - the Constitution? How can we allow our president to put a criminal in a cabinet position? A person that has admitted to his crime, stating that he knew what he was doing was not right, and nothing been done about it.

I don't blame the president for what Mr. Bush left him. He did some pretty crappy things too. I do, however, blame him for his irresponsible actions and the policies that are being implemented or possibly implemented. I will blame him and his crack-pot advisers for the insane decisions they are making when the nation and all it's greatness is lost for decades. What ever happened to making a person/business responsible for the decision they make? If you by a house that you knowingly can't afford, you don't deserve to live in it. If you run a company into the ground, you should be fired, not bailed out. I am, honestly, terrified of what Mr. Obama will attempt to achieve. He's already done some pretty shitty things so far... I've always said "I can only "hope" his "change" works", but I don't feel very hopeful. Not one ounce. He scares me.

Rick Radinsky said...

Well said, dear.