Friday, February 6, 2009

Mom Groups

So, I've been asked to join a "Mom's Group". I'm not sure that's my thing... I really can't stand being around a bunch of screaming kids, but I also know that it's important for Ryan to get out there with other kids his age. My BFF is in the group as well as another friend we have, and they both have said how wonderful it is. And... this group is loaded with little boys!!!

What do you think???


Amy Anderson said...

I think it's a great idea. You may hate it, but he needs to socialize with/around other kids. It's good for him. You may be surprised and enjoy it. I love my mom's group.

Shelley said...

I think it sounds like fun for you and Ryan. You already have a couple of friends in it and if you don't like it, or Ryan doesn't enjoy it, you don't have to go. Give it a try and see for yourself.

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

It will be good for Ryan. Do you meet at people's houses or do you go to public places. That might make the difference for me.

Sarah said...

If they had one for cats, Baxter and Mattingly would be there in a second. But, really so I can play with all the others.....