Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Average Joe

Aside from his every growing need to kill himself, Ryan is sitting right in the middle of everything. We had his 15m well-baby check yesterday: 25.4 lbs (50-75%), 31" tall (50%) and is head is 47 cm (50%). On top of his shots yesterday, while at the MD's office, he climbed up onto Dr. Auerbach's stool while waiting in nothing but his diaper and a great big smile. Gave the MD a good giggle when he saw it - that was until he found out he got himself up there. He has also figured out how to get off the neighbor's trampoline by himself.... scary! As I shake my head in disbelief, I can only wonder what the heck he will do next. My next mission - the bottle fight. The kid refuses to drink his milk from anything other than a bottle. I've tried 4 or 5 different cups and he just throws it to the floor.... grrrrrrrr! Suggestions?

Sorry about this unsteadness of this one... :(

He also likes blowing bubbles in his bath water now.


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

You gotta take this guys swimming and put those bubble blowing skills to work. As for the bottle, I say don't stress it. He'll eventually give the bottle up, right??

Amy Anderson said...

OMG, I started cracking up when he was reading the magazine.