Sunday, September 21, 2008

We made it...

Well, after almost 20 hours in the van and 1241 miles, we made it to Clarksville Friday afternoon in one piece, but all very tired. The kids did AWESOME! Ryan had a few rough hours at the beginning, but we turned his carseat around to forward-facing(I don't want to hear the sighs or see the heads shake) and Sydney was a little chatty Kathy the entire time. We've done a few things with the family so far... a lot of playing with cousin's Allie, Braden & Peyton. They kids have been riding on the 4-wheelers, eating watermelon, playing with the kite, chasing butterflies and bugs, dress-up and yelling!!! Heading to Conway tomorrow to do a little birthday shopping for me and winter clothes shopping for Ryan. Should be lots of fun... Topic to come: Oklahoma = not smart! Will try to get some pics up tonight after my sister and her heard head back home.


Shelley said...

Glad you had a safe trip and the kids were good (I didn't expect they wouldn't be). Enjoy your visit and say hi to everyone for us!

gail said...

Have so much fun shopping!