Thursday, September 18, 2008

Packing List

Have you ever wondered what it takes to pack a family of four for a two week road trip???

Here my list: (this is off the top of my head)
2 large suitcases of clothes
1 suitcase of extra diapers, wipes, bibs, formula, food, etc
bag of misc stuff
basket of toys for Ryan
basket of toys for Sydney
bag of books for Sydney
crate of snacks
cooler for juice boxes and water
1 very large diaper bag loaded with everything but the kitchen sink
Bumbo & trap
Ryan's walker
2 carseats & all that crap
pillows & blankets
potty for emergencies
DVD player & all that crap
Bag of books & magazines for adults

That doesn't count the:
3 diaper boxes of clothes that's getting returned to Heather
Bag of stuff for mom

Gotta love road-trips!!!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

If anyone is organized and can pack for a 2-week road trip it is you. I hope the weather is great and the drive easy.