Saturday, September 6, 2008


So.... it happened! He's taken many steps tonight. He's done the step here, step there, but tonight he "walked". He loves standing all on his own now and can stand up, squat, kneel down all on his own. Tonight while he was just standing around playing with the toy in his hand, he made his move. We've been watching him very closely the last several days hoping this would happen. It did... he took a few steps, turned and took a few more. He did that a few times... We were so excited. I guess it will just get better each day. I can't believe he will is walking at 9 months! Sydney took her first steps on her first birthday - this is just so strange! I wonder what's going to be next.... I guess talking???


Shelley said...

Congrats Ryan. Looking forward to seeing this on video. It is hard to believe that only 4 days ago he was 8 months old. I always thought it was so funny to see babies under a year old walking. They look so cute. I bet he is very proud of himself. He will probably be talking soon also. That boy is in a hurry to be a toddler.

Amy Anderson said...

Wow, go Ryan!!!! Can't wait to see video of it!!