Friday, September 5, 2008

Doctor Visit

Ryan saw Dr. Auerbach this morning and, like always, is doing extremely well. He weighs 22.2 pds (75%), 29 1/4" long (75-90%) and his head is 45 cm around (25-50%). Got his 3rd Hep B vaccine and his first flu shot. The next one is in one month. He's got EIGHT teeth (4/4) and it looks like there are 2 more about to come down on the top. He's all over the house now. He's mastering the navigation of his little walker. Still likes to climb into the dishwasher and put any and everything in his mouth. Sydney & him are getting along much better. She's learning her limits, but he likes the roughness sometimes. Tubby-time has become a favorite! He loves splashing water and putting his face on/in/near it. Makes lots of noise - I think he likes the acoustics.

He's been cleared to eat just about anything; except eggs, citrus fruit/juice, chocolate, shellfish, peanut butter and tomatoes. We can give him milk products, but still no milk. I'll try some cottage cheese tonight and see how he likes that! We are still working on the sippy cup thing. He's really likes to throw them at the floor, so it's a battle at this point. He'll drink from them but would rather play with them. Oh well... More to come soon.


Amy Anderson said...

Great stats! C loves cottage cheese and that nice thick greek yogurt. Yum!

Shelley said...

Glad to hear he had a good visit. He can make some sounds, even when not in the tub. I love the grunts he does when he thinks he can pick something off of something. He is really funny.