Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ryan news

This kid has been keeping me on my toes, literally at times. In the past few weeks he's been a busy boy - learning how to do a lot of fun things. He's pretty much got the crawling thing mastered. He's now pulling himself up on things. Just the other night it was the dishwasher door. It seems like his favorite thing is my pant legs - no big deal, unless he's doing it while I'm trying to cook or walk. He now climbs under his activity thing. He thinks it's really fun to lay on the platform. He did a face plant onto the tile last night as he was coming out of it. Oh well... He's now going "free" in the tub, no sponge, not mat. Crawling around is a fun thing and he's tried several times to bite the drain thing, but didn't like all the water that went up his nose. Oh well... I have to be very careful now while he's in his Bumbo - he almost pulled himself off the chair yesterday while watching Sydney color. Several weeks ago he decided to dive off our bed and onto the floor. Didn't really seem to bother him, but it kinda freaked me out. Rick & I were both watching him - little booger is FAST! I guess he's getting me/us prepared for all the ER visits that he'll be making. I just chalk it up to him being a boy. Oh well... I love it! He's eating well. He gets 3 tbsp. of oatmeal in the AM with a little grape juice & water mixed in. For dinner, he get one whole #2 fruit or vegetable with 1 tbsp. rice cereal mixed in. Gobbles everything down in no time. Still wakes up at least once for a bottle at night; usually around 4:00. I have to go in a a couple times to find hid bink for him, but other than that, he's doing well at night. I hate that he wakes up early - anywhere from 4:30-7, but usually 6ish. Looks like we will be moving him to a bigger carseat any day now. There is no more room in the straps for him anymore and his heals are at the end of the seat! I'm glad in a way - he's heavy in that thing. It's a good thing that he can sit up in the shopping carts! More to come I'm sure...

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Kinda makes you realize how "tame" Sydney was. He is certainly a character. Can't wait to see him in August. He is so wild that I will have to grab him while he is in the middle of crawling away from me (if he doesn't decide to walk by then) to hug and kiss him. He is so adorable.