Saturday, June 28, 2008


My SIL Sarah tagged me, so it's my turn for this...

Ten Years Ago:
I started design school in Houston. Got my first apartment and started my adult life all on my own. It was scary living in a city of 3+ million people and not knowing a soul other than my two uncles, both of which I had a nonexistent relationship with.

Five Things on the To-Do List:

  1. Laundry
  2. Dishes
  3. Clean up baby vomit all day
  4. Vacuum & mop floors
  5. Dinner
Snacks I enjoy:
Cake - plain yellow with chocolate icing, pretzels, popcorn, Salt & Vinegar chips, sweet tarts

Places I've Lived:
  • Ama, LA
  • Hammond, LA
  • Houston, TX
  • Tucson/Vail, AZ
Things I would do if I were a Millionaire:
Depending on if it's 1 million or multimillion...

1 Million:
$$$ in the kids Smith Barney accounts for college
Buy a new house
Get a "mom car" = minivan

Same as above, BUT
Get out of Tucson quick, fast & in a hurry
New house would be in Arkansas on 30 acres on Crow Mountain
Give Amy & Chris enough $$$ to buy a fabulous home so that Carter could run wild and enough so that she could be a SAHM as long as she wanted!!! (If they wanted it, of course.)
Travel the world at some point
Give all the nieces/nephews some cash for college - the whole dozen
Get Rick his dream RV & a gas card
Send my Dad on a guided big-game hunt anywhere he wanted
Send Mom on a 6 month trip around the world

1 comment:

Amy Anderson said...

That literally brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for your imaginary money!