Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good Morning America

Hmmmm.... how does this one get written without pissing off people???? Well, it doesn't, and that's OK. That's the great thing about living in these United States of America - I get to say things that piss people off and that's OK, crazy, but OK. Just like you get to say "she's nuts" after reading it.

So here goes...
I am not all all surprised by the election results. I knew Senator/President-Elect Obama would blow Sen. McCain out of the water. I understand this was a "historical election", but was it going to be that for the right reasons. Yes, it is historical that our country, after forty+ years of desegregation, had a black person on the Presidential ticket. Yes, it's historical that a black person will now, finally, be President of the United States. Yes, it's historical that there was such a huge influx of newly registered or first time voters.

My question is: because of the race or because of the race? I went to bed last night wondering if people, in general, vote for/against a color - black/white, red/blue? Were they voting for/against the black man, for/against the white man, for/against the blue, for/against the red? It just naive, almost ignorant, to think that it's possible a good percentage of new voters came out because they were for/against a color and that is just stupid. Whether it's "No black man will be my President", "John McCain is just another Republican - no more George Bush's", "I don't think his running mate is qualified to be President", "He's a Socialist", etc. When voting for the President, you need to make your decision based on qualifications and views on matters that are most important to you and your family. I understand that this is not atypical of elections. When you don't know the right answer, votes get made based on a color sometimes.

With that said, no, I don't think the best candidate won. I don't think we had the best option, either way. I don't think "we the people", in general, voted for/against the right reasons. Unfortunate as that may be, such is life. We will see how our decision pans out.

I watched two remarkable speeches last night. One very gracious, one very inspirational. I have high hopes for President-Elect Obama. My children's futures are in his hands for the next four years. I hope he does great things and is seen as a great leader because of his actions, not just because of the moving words he's says. Yes, there is a place in the history books for Barack Hussein Obama, our nations' first black President. Rightly so. Last night was huge for the black citizens of this great nation. I hope his presidency will provide bigger and better, more important, things to put in the books than just that. It can't and shouldn't be just about a color. Good luck to you Sir.

"Young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled — Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America." B. Obama

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I hear what you are saying and have thought long and hard about it. I do think Americans came out in force because they have seen firsthand how our lives are affected by the person we did/did not vote for. So much has happened in the years that President Bush has served his term of office. I am referring to 9/11, the war in Iraq, etc. I think this election was quite a bit different in people's minds than the past election. I think most people have thought seriously about who they wanted to see lead their country. I want to believe that and need to.