Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What's the Deal?

Can someone please explain to me why Ryan LOVES power cords? He has always loved chewing on them. He loves the vacuum cleaner & floor mop - thinks they are the coolest things ever, but really loves their cords. I guess it's a teething thing or he's just weird like that. He also has learned how to pull things out of the outlets. Guess we will need to get the covers that automatically close when something is not in them for the hall night lights. *sigh*

Dishwasher door... his favorite thing! Regardless of where he is, if you open the dishwasher, here he comes. He tries climbing in it, pulls the bottom drawer out, licks the water off the door, chews on the soap door. All truly disgusting or unsafe, yet he does it everyday. It doesn't matter how many times we move him, close the door, put him on the floor far away; he's coming back!

Pooping in another room... the last few times he's pooped, he's crawled to the other side of the house to either his room or the playroom to poop. I know kids do this all the time, but to start at such an early age?

He's all over the house now. He's found his independence - goes all over the house. We go looking for him on a regular basis. I love it though - he's exploring!

On a positive note - #6 tooth is on it's way! I can feel it just at the gum line, so I'm thinking it will pop through by the weekend. Poor kid. He's had a few rough weeks!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

It is so funny that he goes into another room to do his business. He is so young to be doing that. Sounds like he needs bells or something attached to his pants or shirt so you know where he is headed when he goes "exploring".