Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy SEVEN Months!

Today Ryan turns 7 months old. WOW - time certainly has flown by. That means it's been 4 months since I've been back to work, 2 months since he started getting teeth & crawling, 1 months since he started to stand next to things. I think it's the beginning of a new period for him. He's determined to walk & I am fairly certain that will happen in the next 2 months. He's got more teeth coming. In his "big seat" in the car. Eating like a champ. Needs to have the crib mattress lowered again - he likes to shake the rail while standing up in the crib.The best news to report... sleeping! He went to sleep last night at 8:30, made a few peeps throughout the night, and is still asleep (6am). I'm so happy for him. He's growing up so fast. I've loved every minute of it.


Amy Anderson said...

Happy birthday big guy! You're growing up way too fast.

pop-pop said...

yeah soon you will have to tie him down as he will want to get into.But we are glad that he is progressing so good

By the way got his picture and love it thanks

Shelley said...

Happy 7 months to Ryan. He only has 5 more months until his first birthday. I haven't personally known any babies that walked at 9 months, but I have a feeling he will be my first.

Cherie said...

This comment is in response to Shelley's neighbor's little boy walked at 7.5 months! It was CRAZY!