Friday, July 25, 2008


While at work yesterday, I call home to check in on everyone. Rick told some wonderful news... picture day is coming on August 7th, "Great" I thought, that was until he told me the day. August 7th happens to be on a Thursday. As most of you know, I only work on Thursdays. HORROR!!!! Yeap, that's when he said "Umm, you might might want to switch days or call off that day. If not, our kid's school picture will look like crap.". Immediately I ran to the charge RN, told her the drama, we both got a good laugh and she gladly changed my work day.

Fast forward to right now...Sydney just walked up to me and said "Mommy can you work on Wednesdays?". When I asked why, she said "Picture day will be on Thursday and Daddy doesn't fix my hair pretty!". We all laughed again...

These are Sydney's "First Week" pictures - I'll let you figure out what day was Thursday! I gotta give him credit, he tried!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I was laughing so hard out loud. At least he knows he doesn't do a great job. Mom to the rescue!