Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Freakin' OUT...

It's official... I'm having some SERIOUS anxiety about this Daisy Scouts thing. In case you don't know this - for some reason (guilt, I think) I decided last month to be Sydney's, and 5 other girls, troop leader. Ummm.... hello.... what was I thinking! I have no idea about this stuff. Granted 20+ years ago I was a Brownie/Junior Girl Scout but that doesn't prepare me for this. I have no idea what I'm doing and I have all this shit to get done before I can even have a meeting. I had to set up a business checking account for our "troop funds". I'm wondering where they want me to get these funds from.... Mom said "Don't worry about it, you'll have lots of fun!". Things have changed since she was my troop leader all those years ago. There's forms, files, documentation, background checks, checking accounts, requirement of "two adults" at all times (gotta find another adult in my spare time), a crap ton of training classes, CPR requirements (thank god for the RN part)... the list goes on! I feel very unprepared and overwhelmed right now. I got the list of my girls last night at this meeting I had to go to. ACK - contact time, let's all give email a hand. I hate the uncertainty of it all. I'm sure it will all work out in the end, but HOLY SHIT!!! I just want some guidance - thankfully, the web is loaded with great tips. I love the fact that Daisies don't really DO anything. They don't work for badges, they do a lot of crafts and field trips. It's basically a scheduled play date for them all. I like that about it. Everyone at the meeting last night kept saying "it's just Daisies, you can't screw them up". Here comes the internal puking... this seriously made me want to drink last night.

More to come later... heading into town to get Girl Scout stuff & Sydney's uniform stuff.

1 comment:

Amy Anderson said...

That's a lot of work for a playdate. Wow.