Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How much do I suck?

Today was another Monday, that was until I looked at the clock at exactly 11:00 am! HOLY SHIT and a few other choice words flew out of my mouth. As a scooped up Ryan and flew out the garage, he gave me this "What's the deal Mother?" To my reply "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit... I forgot Sydney!" I was supposed to be AT the bus stop no later than 10:55 for her. As you can see by simple math, I was late. As I got to the corner I looked up the street, no bus. Then I looked down the street... *#@K! Damn it... there it was at the end of the road turning. I could have died right there in the road. Ryan was playing very happily in his stroller as I sat on the curb shaking my head in utter disgust. How terrible was I? How could I have done this to her? She's going to hate me even more because of this! That was the only thing I kept thinking - how bad of a mom was I. Now what???? Do I go call the school? Do I wait? This is not one of those things covered in the school handbook... "What to do if you suck as a parent and forget to get your kid from the bus stop". So we waited and waited and waited! I just prayed that the school wasn't trying to call the house - Rick was in coma land & I didn't bring the phone with me as I flew out of the house as a lunatic. Waited even more... then I heard the best sound ever! I shot up and looked back up the street and there was her bus, chugging back down to us. As the driver opened the door and smiled at us, he said "I've got something for you!". I apologized profusely and shook my head in shame. He shrugged it off and said "It happens all the time. We always make a second lap if we miss you the first time!" God, there must be a lot of crappy parents out here for them to do this. Sydney, being Sydney, jumped off the bus and gave me that "what the hell" look, then laughed at me when I told her I wasn't paying attention to the clock. She was actually very excited that she got to see the rest of the "drop-offs". As she did her George Jefferson walk back to the house, I realized that she didn't really care about it all. It was just something that happened and it was okay. We headed to Super Wal-mart (first time since before Ryan was born) for a few road trip things and for her to get her favorite "Chicken Balls" (balls vs. nuggets). All was good...

I love that kid!

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