Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ryan woke up at 4:20 this morning. Yes... "damn it" was the first thing to come to mind. After running around for several hours and an hour long walk with Nancee, he finally went to sleep around 10:30 only to be woken up by the loud ass recycling truck. Bastards. He's been a shit since then. Hopefully, after an early dinner and a long bath, he will go to sleep and have a good night.

Good news: I'm back to days tomorrow. So excited about that. I'll be glad to get back to "real nursing". I will only roll my eyes at the PM nurses that I get report from when they say "last night was so terrible". Seriously... they do NOTHING at night compared to the craziness of days. My last night shift sucked so terribly bad. I gave 5 scheduled meds the entire 12 hours shift. I was ready to poke my eyes out by midnight and I had seven hours to go. BORING is an understatement. I will be good to work with all my friends and get back into the swing of a real shift.

The MIL comes this weekend. Sunday thru Friday. Gotta get my house cleaned before then. She's ready to take the kiddos shopping for clothes, make a tasty pot of Jewish Penicillin (matzo ball soup) and the worlds best brisket. We are planning on going to the Pima County Fair on Tuesday afternoon. An uneventful visit, but she enjoys spending time with the kids.

Rick had his last meeting with his cardiologist this afternoon - "all clear". Not a cardiac issue at all, but he does want him to work on getting some of his lab values down. He's been very careful about what he eats since the episode. I think he's down 10-15 lbs in 6 weeks. I guess I should be paying closer attention... God knows I need to drop about 50 pounds.

I'm the new owner of a beautiful porcelain tooth. My crown was put in yesterday and it's gorgeous. Aside for the awful week worth of pain (prior to the unplanned root canal), this extremely unsettling process and been awesome. I case you don't know my dental history it goes a little like this: NOTHING! No cavities, no root canals, no crowns, nothing. That was until my last bundle of joy ruined my perfect record. After having Ryan my teeth went to hell. I've had 4 cavities (two on one tooth. if you can imagine that), a cracked tooth = crown, and a root canal. DEAR LORD... nothing else please! Oh, I have to get a night guard to sleep with now too. Apparently I clinch my teeth very badly at night. No grinding, but severe clinching. Fun times. FYI - if you live with headaches and have really tight upper back/neck muscles... you probably do too. That's where I store all my stress. Blah blah blah... I love my dentist, so I don't mind going back to see him. He's my age and really cool. If you ever need a good one, Gabe is the guy to see.

Need help getting Ryan to eat better. He's a nightmare. Throws his plate on the ground, uses his spoon as a drumstick and still won't drink his milk from a sippy. He's a terrible eater. Grrr..... This kid is my "bad" kid. Loves to scream bloody murder when we tell him no or stop him from doing things. Temper tantrums are just around the corner, I'm sure. Shit...


MIL said...

When the MIL comes, let her help you with cleaning. You don't have to clean for her, that's for sure.

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

What do you mean he is a terrible eater? I see him eating rocks, dog poop, etc.

Holly said...

Now Nancee... he didn't eat the dog poop, just picked it up. You forgot chalk, dirt, and bugs.